If you want to stay low, maintain a healthy lifestyle – there are very few people who have not heard this. But do we really know what a healthy lifestyle actually means? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), being healthy means “complete physical, mental and social well-being” and it is not just the absence of disease or infirmity. That is, to talk about a healthy lifestyle, we need to know some things first, which include food, physical exercise, preventive health care, relationship with the environment, social activities, etc. Today’s feature is about the A to Z of this healthy lifestyle.
What are the components of a healthy lifestyle?
A healthy lifestyle is not achieved overnight, but we have to be consistent to maintain this lifestyle. Let’s find out about some of the components of this lifestyle.
Physical Exercise
According to experts, you should exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. For those who cannot afford to go to the gym, brisk walking is a great exercise. It not only burns extra calories but also helps strengthen muscles and bones. Regular exercise also helps control high blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose levels. It also helps reduce stress levels and helps you sleep better.
Balanced Diet
A balanced diet is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The food plate that is meant to maintain the ratio of food in a regular diet is called My Plate. Our main goal in food should be to maintain the nutritional needs of the body and gain enough energy for our whole day.
My Plate is divided into four categories of approximately 30% grains, 40% vegetables, 10% fruits and 20% protein, to which a small cup of yogurt or a glass of milk can be added. Eating food in this ratio will not only meet the nutritional needs, but also will not reduce energy while working.
Social Life
Your social life is actually a fundamental aspect of your health. Social isolation can lead to various health problems, including physical disabilities and dementia. You have to find ways to be happy with others and keep yourself healthy. No matter how busy your life is, try to spend time with your loved ones. This will maintain mental peace, which will also help you stay healthy overall.
Mental balance
When many people hear the word mental balance, they probably think that it is talking about a disease. In fact, it does not only refer to the existence of a mental illness, but also indicates a state of mental well-being. In addition to maintaining good social relationships, maintaining good mental health is very important to face the personal and professional challenges of daily life. If a large part of your day is spent in stress, anxiety or fatigue, it indicates that your mental state is not good.
Enjoying Leisure
There are many people who live to work instead of working to live. You may be one of them! Enjoying leisure is a part of a healthy lifestyle. So enjoy your leisure time. Remember, getting proper rest will give you the energy to move forward.
Maintaining a Healthy Conjugal Life
A healthy conjugal life helps in maintaining your cardiovascular and mental health. However, to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea and syphilis, you should always practice safe sex.
Ensure good sleep
Getting enough sleep is essential for staying healthy. It will help you feel rested and energetic for the next day. Insomnia can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and various mental illnesses, so make sure you get enough sleep. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep.
Importance of Healthy Lifestyle
Let’s now find out why maintaining a healthy lifestyle is so important for all of us. If you live a healthy life, you will be able to stay away from serious diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes. Along with this, you will get energy in your daily work, will not get tired easily and will see your productivity increase.