Do we control the brain, or does the brain control us? Many might say that we control the brain. We think, plan, make decisions, and get the job done. That is, the reins of control are in our hands.

Many would disagree. Some might say, after a little thought, that it is both. We control the brain because we take decisions based on logic, argument, and experience. That is true. It is also true that we can breathe, move, and react without thinking. The brain is constantly creating and using thousands of physiological instructions, where we do not have to think at all. It is as if things are happening automatically. That is, the brain is controlling us in this case.

This is not the end. The brain sometimes does strange things and puzzles us. Let’s talk about deja vu.Deja vu feels like a dilemma—as if you’ve stepped into a movie. This strange phenomenon in the brain is called deja vu. There has been a lot of research on it. Research says it is related to anxiety.

For no reason, it suddenly seems that what is happening around you at this moment has happened before. You know exactly what is going to happen in the next scene. In reality, that is what happened. You do not know how all this is happening. But the event is happening. At the same time, you are also very surprised. What a dilemma – as if you have entered a movie.

The name of this strange phenomenon of the brain is deja vu. There has been a lot of research on it. Research says that it is related to anxiety. This often happens due to mental distress. However, two-thirds of people naturally have such a feeling. When the brain finds a similarity between an event that happened before and the current event, it becomes confused. Then it creates such a strange feeling. Apart from this, deja vu can also occur in normal situations. Especially when you go to a new place or have a new experience, the possibility of deja vu increases.

Another thing that happens to us often is that after moving from one room to another in our house, we suddenly forget why we came to this room. This happens as a reaction when the brain organizes memories. When we walk through a door, our memory goes through a special process. Researchers call it the ‘event boundary’. That is, the boundary of the event.

At this time, the brain transfers the memory of the previous ‘event’ to its long-term memory. At the same time, it prepares itself to capture the memory of a new event or ‘event’. During this period of displacement in long-term memory, the way to immediately recall a memory from a little earlier is not fully prepared. As a result, when we pass through an event boundary, we cannot easily remember a memory from a little earlier. But this does not happen every time we enter the door. If it did, we would never be able to remember ‘why we entered’ after entering the house. This only happens when the event boundary of the brain is activated when entering the house.

Let’s end with another brain quirk about memory. When talking about something, you suddenly can’t find the right word. It’s not that you don’t know the word. But the word doesn’t come to mind in time. This problem is called lithologica.

We know what to say, a word is appropriate. But we can’t bring the word from memory. This happens more often in the case of words that we don’t use often. Because the strong connection to remember or recall these words is not formed in the neurons. An adult knows an average of 50 thousand words. This can happen in the case of many words among them.

Such strange activities of the brain happen to all of us. In fact, it is not unusual for a complex organ like the brain. With the development of science and technology, we are able to know the reasons for these events. But can we establish control? The answer is, no. We still cannot control all the activities of the brain. That’s why the brain remains a mystery to us today.

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