Are you aware of the new weight loss trend, the '30-30-30 method'?

Are you aware of the new weight loss trend, the ’30-30-30 method’?

In the 21st century, people are now giving a lot of priority to a healthy lifestyle even in the midst of their busy lives, becoming aware of fitness. Changes are coming in diets. Currently, which we also promote as a hashtag new trend on social media. Surely everyone remembers the keto diet. There was a time when this diet plan was becoming quite popular. If we talk about that trend, then it can be said that now the 30-30-30 rule is becoming quite popular for a healthy lifestyle. It is a great concept not only for weight control, but also for staying physically and mentally healthy.

What is the 30-30-30 method?

This concept has been created by combining three rules. These are eliminating 30 percent of calories from daily food, 30 minutes of exercise, and ensuring 30 minutes of mental peace. But it is interesting, isn’t it? Let’s know the details.

1.Reduce calories by 30 percent from the food chart

Whenever you think that your lifestyle is not right, fried food or unhealthy food from outside is in your daily food chart. It is important to change this routine! So, to change this habit, you first have to find out the body mass index and calorie count. With the body mass index, you can know the ratio of your height to weight or how much more/less. According to that, you will have an idea about how much calories you are taking or how much you need to reduce. If your calorie intake is more than what you are eating regularly, reduce it first. Reduce it by 30 percent. That is, if you are consuming 3000 calories daily, then bring it to 2100.

So what should be kept in the diet chart?

Few carbohydrates, more protein and fruits, and also sufficient water. If you can eliminate sugary foods, fried foods, excess rice, in short, things that are not good for your health, you will see that reducing 30 percent will not seem very difficult. So, make a proper diet chart, as well as keep an idea of ​​the calories of different foods.

We often have this idea that if we eat less food, then why have we gained weight? For example, if we eat 3 cups of rice instead of 1 cup. If we go to a restaurant and eat a burger, we are already consuming 600 calories. Then there are other foods, cold drinks. Even if we eat a small amount of it, we are consuming high calories.

Again, when we go on a diet, we often eat such foods without realizing that they increase the weight instead of reducing it. And not everyone’s body mass index or metabolism is the same. Therefore, it is not right that you will also lose weight by eating the same food that someone else has followed and lost weight. For this, you can consult a nutritionist if necessary, and maintain your food habits accordingly.

2.Exercise for 30 minutes

Take out 30 minutes a day for exercise. Whether you lose weight or not, if you do not keep your body on movement, your body gradually becomes weak. Then it becomes difficult to do small tasks, even climbing the stairs of 3/4 floors. Food does not want to be digested properly, you feel lazy, your brain does not work properly.

Try walking for 30 minutes in the morning. If you do not want to go out, do free hand exercises on a yoga mat for 30 minutes. Do aerobic exercise, Zumba dance, yoga, whatever is convenient. You can walk for 30 minutes on the way back from the office.

3.30 minutes of mental peace

The above 2 rules will work if you can apply this third rule in your daily life. The first 2 can be followed roughly, but mental peace is not given much importance. If you are not mentally fit, then various problems also arise in the body. Excess stress causes weight gain, food cravings; you know

You can meditate to reduce stress. Music can also be an effective solution to relieve stress for many people. Spending time with family, doing some hobbies, keeping yourself busy with creative activities – these can provide mental peace. And if you can’t do anything at all, then sit quietly for 30 minutes. We are so addicted to smartphones all day long that we are reluctant to be without our phones even for 30 minutes a day! Continuous screen time affects brain development and disrupts sleep. Reducing phone addiction is very important for a stress-free healthy lifestyle. A healthy mind is needed for a healthy body, don’t forget this!

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