Circuit Training Workouts– All You Need to Know!

Circuit Training Workouts– All You Need to Know!

Do you feel like you need a different approach to exercise because you are bored with your daily exercise? Circuit training may be the answer.

Strength and cardiovascular exercises are combined in this type of exercise which allows for little rest in between sets. However, what is circuit training and why should it matter to you while on your fitness journey?

Continue reading for information on an effective and exciting workout that enhances strength, endurance, and promotes fat loss. Prepare to change your exercise schedule as we give you some tips for circuit training workouts!

What is Circuit Training?

In case you want a difficult workout plan which will involve your cardiac and muscular strength, have you considered circuit training?

It consists of carrying out different activities one after the other very fast and with little or no rest in between.

Here’s what circuit training involves:

  • There are between three and ten various stations in a normal circuit
  • Every station is designed for particular muscles
  • Rest periods are short so as to maintain an increased heart rate throughout the entire session
  • Typically, a person goes through the complete circuit about three times, but it may also be more than that

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced exerciser, including circuit training in your workout routine will enhance your strength, endurance as well as general fitness.

Experiment with it and observe the changes that may occur in your body after this energetic workout!

Why Should You Do Circuit Training?

There are several reasons why people have increasingly embraced circuit training in the fitness sector.

For one, it is highly effective! Resistance exercises combined with cardiovascular training provide a thorough workout in a shorter period compared to most routines.

However, if this is true, then why would someone consider circuit training instead of sticking with the old, traditional routines? Here’s why:

  • Circuit training is a form of training that helps one to improve on the general body fitness since it mixes exercises that develop strength as well as those that increase endurance.
  • Lifting weights increases strength and anaerobic capacity; whereas, cardiovascular exercise primarily enhances cardiovascular conditioning. Continuous movement in circuit training elevates oxygen demand thereby combining benefits of cardiovascular and strength exercises.
  • It is also time-efficient as it works on many muscles at the same time.

By and large, circuit training is an excellent approach towards enhancing one’s general fitness and obtaining the preferred outcome within a limited time!

Top 5 Circuit Training Workouts

To keep active and reach your fitness goals, consider circuit training.

By mixing up various workouts, one can always find something exciting to do in order to stay in shape.

Here are 5 examples of circuit training workouts:

1. Simple bodyweight circuit workout

Start by doing a simple three-set circuit during your first session.

This will comprise straightforward yet high impact workouts such as squats, push ups, lunges, dumbbell rows, plank and jumping jacks that work out every muscle group.

For this workout, do the following exercises:

  • 20 reps of bodyweight squats
  • 10 reps push-ups
  • 10 reps for each leg walking lunges
  • 10 reps for each arm dumbbell rows
  • 15 seconds plank
  • 30 reps jumping jacks

2. General fitness circuit workout

To make it even more challenging, attempt doing 3-5 rounds of these circuits resting 90 seconds between exercises.

The circuit is made up of the following exercises; goblet squats, kettlebell swings, gorilla rows, dumbbell press and kettlebell halo.

  • 15 reps of goblet squats
  • 15 reps kettlebell swings
  • 10 reps gorilla rows
  • 10 reps dumbbell press
  • 20 reps kettlebell halo (both sides)

3. Total body step-up circuit workout

This total body step-up circuit will work on various muscles and help improve your fitness level with every step.

Make sure to include this uncomplicated exercise in your program for maximum results.

  • 10 reps for each leg of alternating step-ups
  • 10 reps of elevated push-ups
  • 10 reps of swing rows
  • 8 reps for each leg of assisted lunges
  • 10 reps of bent leg reverse crunches

4. Full-body intensity circuit workout

Challenge yourself by using the total body high intensity training (HITT) to take your fitness to another level.

It consists of pull-ups, deadlifts, push-ups, box jumps, floor wipers, and single arm clean and press which are very demanding exercises. For instance:

  • Do 25 reps of pull ups
  • Perform 50 reps on deadlifts using 135 lbs
  • 50 reps for push ups
  • Do 50 reps of box jumps on a 24 inch box
  • 50 reps for floor wipers
  • Perform 25 reps with a 36 lbs weight on each side using single arm clean and press

5. Cardio circuit workout

Experience an increase in your heart rate as you engage in an invigorating cardio circuit training. Perform this circuit 1-5 times resting for just 30 seconds between each circuit.

Exercises comprise of sled push, push-ups, sled pulls, kettlebell swings, farmer carry and medicine ball over shoulder.

  • 10 meters sled push
  • 20 reps push-ups
  • 10 meters sled pull
  • 30 reps kettlebell swings
  • 10 meters farmer carry
  • 10 move medicine ball over shoulder

How to Stretch After a Circuit Training Session?

After completing circuit training, it is important to take some time to stretch the muscles properly.

This is important in helping the muscles recover, preventing injuries, while at the same time enhancing flexibility as well as mobility.

For added advantages, think of fitting some yoga postures within your stretching plan. And although foam rolling might not be comfortable, it does help the muscles recover too!

The Bottom Line

The task of including circuit training in your fitness program may appear tough but with a simple circuit that you repeat every week and monitor how you are improving, it will greatly improve your general well-being.

Therefore, why don’t you take the chance and begin enjoying the benefits of this efficient exercise today!


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