Best Practices for Stretching– Everything You Need to Know!

Best Practices for Stretching– Everything You Need to Know!

How many times have you ended your exercise and neglected stretching? You are not the only one who does that.

People usually neglect stretching in their workouts, but were you aware that skipping it could lead to reduced range of motion and increased injury rates?

This blog will discuss the most effective ways of stretching– all the advantages, techniques and how to do it right.

Therefore, if you have just started working out or you are experienced gym rat, continue reading for some tips on stretching!

Why You Need Stretching?

Stretching is important in every workout plan as stated by the American College of Sports Medicine.

It is advisable that one should include stretching in the normal fitness workouts so that they can experience various advantages associated with it.

Still not sure? Keep reading to find out why stretching is so crucial:

  • Muscle flexibility and mobility are enhanced hence better performance in physical activities
  • The flexibility of the muscles and joints maintained through stretching reduce the chances of getting injured
  • Stretching on a regular basis assists in achieving full joint motion and therefore better movement
  • Stretching increases the flow of blood to muscles which may reduce the time taken for one to recover from exercises
  • It improves performance on the field and off by letting the muscles operate at their maximum capacity

Stretching– Before or After Exercise?

Although stretching is crucial before exercising, many people wonder whether they should stretch before or after working out.

Most people think that before exercising it is good to stretch as this will reduce any injuries, avoid getting sore muscles and make one perform better.

However, the truth is that the usual static stretching may affect the strength of an individual because it tires the muscles and reduces their efficiency.

On the contrary, you should think about including dynamic stretches in your warm up. They are different from the static ones because they are done at speed involving a lot of movement and they are very useful in getting ready physically and mentally.

Nevertheless, it is important to stretch after working out because it enhances flexibility and blood flow.

Therefore, although it is important to warm up progressively and increase intensity, you should also remember to allocate sometime after the training for stretching the muscles.

Some Tips for Safe Stretches

No matter whether you are working out in a professional capacity or just work out to maintain your health, stretching still remains to be a critical element.

Nevertheless, you should not forget that improper stretching could lead to more harm than good.

In order to prevent injuries, as well as enhance flexibility, the following precautions should be taken into consideration:

  • Cold muscles are easily injured, so it is important to do some warm-up exercises before stretching
  • You should only stretch to a point where you experience a little resistance and not go so far as to cause any pain
  • Ensure that you keep a good posture and shape during the stretch
  • Concentrate on evening out tight muscles on both sides to promote balance
  • Be sure to breathe deeply as you stretch
  • Your goal should be to do some stretching every day or at least three times in a week

Should You Hold a Stretch to Reap Maximum Benefit?

For a long time now, people have been saying that stretching is vital when working out, but does stretching only count when you hold a stretch for a specific time?

Although holding static stretches for about 15 to 30 seconds is believed to be harmless and improve one’s flexibility, there is data supporting the idea that dynamic stretching could have greater overall benefits, particularly as part of the warm-up protocol.

Exercises such as the “Standing Cat-Camel” engage all the muscles fully as in static stretching but with a less intense pull. It is a form of stretching that helps in heating up the muscles and getting them ready for use in different activities.

So, next time you are preparing to go to the gym or for a run, include dynamic stretches in your warm up so that you can be in your best form and avoid injury!

Can You Stretch Anytime?

Stretching was initially considered very important in exercise programs and was either done before or after the exercise to reduce injuries and enhance performance.

Nevertheless, new research indicates that the average person need not engage in “special” pre-exercise stretching routines.

The good news is that you can stretch at any time! It is vital to include stretching in your day-to-day activities so as to stay supple and avoid tight muscles.

Thus, you can engage in stretching after waking up from sleep, before going to sleep or even during work breaks.

Therefore, do not restrict yourself to post or pre-workout stretches only. Make sure to include them in your daily routine to enhance your general well-being and flexibility!

Final Thoughts

To sum up, even though stretching is crucial in staying healthy and has a wide range of advantages, it is important to be careful while doing it.

Before you begin any form of stretching exercise, you should first seek the advice of a qualified medical personnel, particularly if you have a chronic condition or injury!

Keep in mind that while stretching lowers the chances of overuse injuries, they are not completely prevented.

Therefore, pay attention and follow your body’s signals as you include stretching in your exercise program!


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